| IRS Form 4070: Employee’s Report of Tips to Employer | IRS Form 8027: Employer’s Annual Information Return of Tip Income and Allocated Tips |
Purpose | This form is used by employees who receive tips to report their tip income to their employer. It is particularly relevant for workers in industries where tipping is common, such as restaurants and hospitality. | This form is used by large food or beverage establishments (businesses that provide food or beverages for consumption on the premises) to report tips received by their employees and to allocate tips if necessary. |
Requirements | Employees must report tip income of $20 or more received in a month. | This form is required from employers who operate large food or beverage establishments, typically defined as those who employ more than 10 employees on a typical business day. |
Use | The information from Form 4070 helps employers fulfill their obligations to withhold the correct amount of federal income tax and both the employee and employer portions of Social Security and Medicare taxes. | Form 8027 helps the IRS ensure compliance with the laws regarding the reporting and taxation of tip income. It aggregates the tip income reported by employees and any allocated tips the employer may distribute to ensure employees are reporting their tips accurately. |
Frequency of Submission | Employees are typically required to submit this form to their employers monthly. | Employers submit this form annually. |