5 Communication Trends for the Modern Workforce

Communication trends

Want to know the latest communication trends that are going to impact your business?

Time moves quickly with communication, so it’s important you stay up to date with the latest goings on. 

Here are the five communication trends you should integrate into your business. 

The Workplace Communication Trends You Need to Integrate Now

The way we communicate is always evolving. 

It’s easy to go back 20 years and point to the wholesale differences in the way we communicated, but even if we go back just a handful of years, things have changed. 

A modern workforce is always evolving and becoming more efficient, and business communication trends play a big role in this. 

Communication changes

Here are some of the communication trends you need to integrate right way. 

1. Bringing Different Channels Together

Modern business communication is very diverse. It takes place on an ever-expanding network of apps and channels, however, this also becomes a problem. 

Employees are always striving to communicate in the most applicable channel, but this leads to complications. Messages are spread out all over the place and can easily be missed. 

A prominent internal communication trend is to bring different channels and apps together in one centralized communication platform. This improves efficiency and organization while allowing employees to communicate in multiple channels. 

2. Collaborative Digital Workspaces

Improved connectivity has made it much easier for people to work collaboratively without having to be in the same place. This has been further helped by a proliferation of collaborative digital workspaces. 

For example, you no longer need to send an email with suggestions for a design because you can simply comment on the design in real-time. This communication trend represents a real shift, saving employees time, and allowing for closer collaboration. 

3. Improved Intranets

Another current trend in business communication is that companies are increasingly recognizing the value of a proper intranet. 

This is another way to centralize communication, and it’s very effective. 

An intranet can become a central hub for everything an employee needs, making it much easier to get messages across and coordinate the workforce. This centralized communication is ideal for human resources, and it’s something more businesses will be investing in. 

4. Mobile Devices Playing a Bigger Role

As mobile devices play a bigger role in our personal lives it’s only natural they will become more important in our business communication. 

People often ask, “What are the recent trends in communication?”

Year after year, mobile devices continue to play a bigger and bigger part, even in the workplace. It’s not surprising either – they’re incredibly convenient and they’re powerful.

If your business doesn’t facilitate communication through mobile devices, then it’s probably not functioning as efficiently as it could be. 

5. Video Communication 

We’re always looking for ways to get our messages across more accurately. 

For many people, the more effective way of doing this (asides from in-person) is through video. Whether that means a video call or a pre-recorded video, this format is one of the rising communication trends. 

Again, video communication has been coming for a long time, but it only continues to grow. 

Modern workforce communication trends

FAQs: Communication Trends

What are the recent trends in communication

Some recent trends in business communication are: an integrated multichannel approach, collaborative digital workspaces, intranet, mobile devices, and video communication. 

Why is communication important in the workplace?

Communication is important in the workplace because people have to work together to be successful. If you don’t have effective communication, then people won’t be able to work together to grow the business in the most efficient way. 

How do you maintain your employees?

You can maintain your employees by creating a good work environment. There are lots of HR solutions that can help you keep employee turnover down and make your business run more smoothly. 

What is modern communication?

Modern communication is the process of choosing the right channel to get your message across. We have so many ways to communicate these days that a hugely important factor is making sure you use the right channel. 

How can communication be improved in the workplace?

Communication in the workplace can be improved by good training and employee onboarding, as well as integrating the right communication channels

Stay On Top of the Latest Communication Trends

Staying on top of the latest workplace communication trends isn’t that easy. 

It’s about understanding how people interact and being able to put the right technology in place to facilitate this. Sometimes, you’ll need a little help, and that’s where AllianceHCM comes in. 

We’ll help you take care of everything HR related, including ensuring you’ve got everything you need to facilitate great communication throughout your business. 

Schedule a Demo.

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