5 Ways the Right HR Tools Make All the Difference

Woman sits at computer and clicks through screen with mouse

In the age of rapid employee turnover, your organization needs to do everything it can to retain your current HR employees.

And while free lunches and off-site activities can go a long way, employing HR tools can drastically change how your employees view your business as a whole.

Why are HR Tools Important?

Companies focused on improving employee experience saw a 25 percent increase in profit–that number is huge.

This percentage can be traced to employees who are more committed to their jobs and drive innovation across the organizational structure.

In addition to the financial benefits of contented HR employees, using systems that streamline cumbersome processes can:

  • Increase productivity
  • Improve Morale
  • Reduce Errors
  • Ensure Compliance

To help you replicate these outcomes at your organization, we identified the top five HR tools that can drastically improve employee experience both within the HR department and beyond.

Human Resource Management System (HRMS)

HRMS is a platform that manages internal HR functions, including payroll, talent management, employee data, and many other metrics. In addition to these standard HR functions, modern platforms also include employee profiles and social collaboration tools.

By adopting an HRMS, you ensure that your HR professionals have a single source of truth for all of their functions, as well as employee information, reducing the need to use duplicative systems.

Digital Adoption Platforms

These platforms were built to reduce the technical burden on employees. They include automated data collection, in-app training and guidance, and provision of proactive support.

By eliminating cumbersome processes that slow your employees’ day-to-day processes, you save them both time and potential burnout. When implemented digital adoption platforms are incredible HR management tools that can drastically simplify workflows.


Service Management Tools

Service management tools enable HR Help Desk automation, reducing the manual burden on employees, as well as ensuring proper documentation and follow-up. These HR tools are incredibly useful as they help ensure that your HR department is meeting all Help Desk requests, as well as eliminating the need for manual documentation.

Task Management Software

To access a successful employee experience across your organization, adopting efficient HR processes is a must. HR tasks are time-sensitive and must be completed at the employee and organizational level for accurate task completion.

When you employ task management software, you can anticipate:

  • Ability to meet deadlines
  • Streamlined co-worker communication
  • Increase project visibility
  • Centralized document repository

Ultimately, task management tools enable your employees to save time through optimized workflows that better every part of your organization’s workflow.

Offer Personalized Learning Experiences

If you ask your employees what is most important to them, career advancement will inevitably top the list. You can help your employees achieve their growth goals by offering them learning management systems (LMS) that go beyond the basic functions of onboarding and allow them to choose learning courses that drive specific outcomes.

These skill sets enable them to grow personally and professionally, increasing loyalty and overall contentment.

5 Ways the Right HR Tools Make all the Difference

Whether you’re looking to attain or retain talent across your organization, employing HR hiring tools can help you change the way your organization functions.

By centering the employee experience at the apex of your business, you increase loyalty, provide growth opportunities, and improve overall morale.

With the help of HR data tools and HR analytics tools, you can begin your transition to becoming an employee-first organization and benefiting your bottom line along the way.

To learn more about how AllianceHCM can help you automate your HR processes through our simplified database, schedule a demo.

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